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Nature Focused 


Free Thinking




Human Being

Living beyond existence, learning beyond the norm. 
Progress has always been inevitable, and the unknown has always been accompanied with fear. Now is the time for action and change. We believe our planet is undergoing one of the biggest energetic and physical changes it has ever faced and hence WE, its inhabitants, are evolving at great speeds. Exciting really! We 've designed this community platform for alternative thinkers and those wanting to learn something exciting and new!


The Scalar Human Approach


We believe in bipolarity as a method of reaching the creative (third) point, something that allows us as human beings to harness all of the learnt knowledge and use it for innovation. This is why we believe in the effectiveness of combining the Waldorf pedagogy, as it is primarily individually focused, in combination with the Reggio Emilia one, which is group focused. The children spend the days moving back and forth between cooperative group learning and "will" focused self achievement learning. This leads us to believe that grading is also unnecessary, as we teach the children to take pride in every assignment by showing them, in a holistic way, to use all of their given skills within each one. For example, during mathematics they also draw and write amongst the numerals, creating a sense of completion to the work. They experience with all their senses by being given freedom to stand for verse recitation, songs and even games with formal lessons. All of which further enhances their learning abilities and open up multiple neuronal pathways. It also takes children out of peer on peer competition mode, and into self drive and competitiveness. Lastly our groups are made up of 2-3 year age gaps, for good reason, nonetheless. It provides further cooperation amongst themselves as they navigate the needs within the tiered ages. Older ones being given the ability to listen more deeply, nurture and lead the younger. As for the youngest, it provides a natural driving force to keep aspiring to grow and learn.

The "join us" button below will allow you to access a membership through which you will meet and interact with other like minds and gain video content in our ever growing database of classes! These classes will include the first ever online curriculum blending the best of all pedagogies: Waldorf, Reggio Emilia, Montessori (particularly the nature aspect), and our own versions of alternative education. Sacred teachings, ceremonies, mental math, physical learning, intuitive science, dance, chess and the list goes on! It's the magic we've been creating and living, through our alternative school, for the last 3 years. 
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